Skynet wasn't "programmed" to destroy the world

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is a fantastic new show set in between T2 and T3. It's really starting to grow on me, especially after the T2 circle-jerk that was tonight's episode.

The opening quote annoys me though, mainly through the use of the word "programmed".

In the future, my son will lead mankind in the war against Skynet - the computer system programmed to destroy the world.

The thing is, Skynet wasn't (1) programmed to destroy the world! The very point of Skynet was that it was self-aware, thinking for itself and making it's own decisions. Saying it was programmed implies human intent, a programmer that made Skynet what it is.

I know it's nit-picking, but how hard would it be to change the opening quote to a variation of the following?

In the future, my son will lead mankind in the war against Skynet - the self-aware computer system intent on destroying the world.

Much better.

(1) Or should that be isn't? Stupid time-travel tense.

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